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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rejoice for your Brothers and sisters in Christ.


Rejoice with your brothers and sisters when they reach when God uses them whether it's for Singing Gospel, Gospel Rap or preaching. Not only because the Bible says so but because rejoicing  with our brothers and sisters keeps us in the right spirit. The flesh loves to have it's way selfishness is it's number 1 appetite. I'm still waiting to record and share my music for awhile but I make it my duty to support others as God blesses them with opportunities to use their gift to bring him Glory. My time will come and I would want the same. It's not all about the recognition but  you would want to be appreciated for what you do and you should. I've been blessed to fellowship with some humble brothers and sisters doing kingdom work for God so as I end this I ask that you continue to rejoice for your Brothers and Sisters on the frontline for your time will come.