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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Process. By Garry E Shepard Jr.

                                                                THE PROCESS
                                                      BY GARRY E SHEPARD JR.

I'm sitting here thinking and still trying to record my EP. It's taking a time I did a rough draft but that's all I'm looking for help but everybody, is doing their own thing one person was nice enough to help but haven't been in contact since then. I even ? is it worth it, is Gospel Rap really for me. I loved rap all my life you all should know  from my first blog a little of what I been through. I'm happy for those that are doing shows and established but to be honest whether secular or Christian everyone is still all for themselves. I'm not calling anyone on the carpet, I'm just expressing what I'm going through I know someone can relate to how I feel. If it was up to me I would record myself. I also don't like asking because I feel like I'm bothering a person. I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but I'm stressing the process of ministering in music the hardest part for some such as myself is getting my God given gift to the world to hear. Some don't realize how stressful it can be and the time it takes write or make tracks and the disappointments of seeing neither being used. I will leave this with you in order for you to be an Artist you have to put in work and have patience because unless you come across the right person or receive an record deal know that you will be putting in work for a long time but it will all workout in the end. One last thing you have to remember that unless God says ok prepare to wait, when you find that your rapping and your not content then know that you went ahead of God instead of waiting. God Bless.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Church in your heart by Garry E Shepard Jr.

                                                      CHURCH IN YOUR HEART
                                               WRITTEN BY GARRY E SHEPARD JR.

Church a place of worship where people of like minds come together. I entitled Church in your heart for a reason to get us to think. We go to church between two times a week and once on weekends unless we have another service. We must have Church in our heart why because of what life can bring your way at times people, situations, the past. Being in Church doesn't guarantee a place in Heaven, now you may say what do you mean? According to scripture our righteousness are as filthy rags meaning it takes more then an appearance of living right. Daily we must kill the flesh. In our minds thoughts aren't holy all the time and wonders constantly. Church doesn't keep our minds from wondering nor does Church take your problems away but Church is a place of peace brother and sisterhood. With the heart we do good or we do bad that's why we're in a constant battle in the mind. My  brothers and sisters in Christ we must  guard our hearts and have Church in our hearts at all times and not be Traditional  or Ritualistic. Is church in your heart if church is in your heart many who know you will notice if not people will still notice. Having Church in your heart will keep you intune with God and give you that extra push to come out and have Church.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Christian Rap Image

                                        CHRISTIAN HIP HOP IMAGE

                                       WRITTEN BY GARRY E SHEPARD JR.

As I sit here about to write this blog I think back  to when I  was going to Gospel Hip Hop concerts one after another, I enjoyed seeing the youth going forth in the music but one thing constantly stuck with me, the scenery seems so familiar. Thinking back to when I went to my first concert Cash money and Ruff Ryders tour 13 years ago at the original Hartford Civic Center thousands of people dancing  throwing their hands up even me in the nose bleed section lol. Some of the Gospel Hip Hop concerts were the same in crowd participation only difference is that secular concerts always brought More of a crowd. Also what I noticed was the way Gospel Hip Hop Artist were dressed the same as secular artist. To tell you the truth it kinda bother me because I was thinking like how would people in the world be able to tell the difference between a saved and unsaved Artist. I'm nobody perfect but one thing I live by is that you have to give God your best in all that you do I know this might stir up something in some artist but this is not to expose or discredit any Artist, but I want to talk about the image from my point of view.


As I sit here I asked myself does image really matter. Fitted cap jeans, sneakers or boots is normally what I see among Christian Hip Hop Artist this image is acceptable among the youth. God dealt with me he help me to realize that he can use whoever he wants and also that even though we are christian rap artist  we all reach a different type of people. I look at artist like B. Rieth   my favorite local artist Soft Spoken  Prophet from the MA.  My dude has a  dressy image with the confidence to match like no other. Church boy Billy  H Powell last live recording my brother performed in a suit in which he did well. I realize that you can only be yourself that's even how you dress. I'm still dealing with how my image should be, I'm not one to wear Fitted im more of a knit cap type brother but I realize that the summertime isn't a good time to where a winter cap also I don't want over or under dress. Realizing that an image can make or break you, I also realize that the older saints can be the most critical when it comes to image, sagging in church I'm sorry I don't agree with that at all inside and out side of church. As I end on this note what are a your thoughts good or bad I want to know. God Bless.

God is still in Control by Garry E Shepard Jr.

                                                     GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL
                                            WRITTEN BY  GARRY SHEPARD E JR

From March 4-10 2013 C.O.G.I.C 2nd jurisdiction while in our 40th  Spring Worker's Meeting in New Haven ct at Macedonia C.O.G.I.C where the Pastor is Prelate Bishop Hester  D Bordeaux. We the people of God experienced a move of The Ghost like never be for. Tuesday was the highlight of the Spring Worker's Meeting Bishop Paul L Fortson Prelate for the Barbados Caribbean Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction was used by God in a mighty way. You had to be there it was like the days of old when people were being healed and delivered on the spot. It was as if the scriptures came alive before your eyes. Its one thing to hear about it but to see it with my own eyes people were dropping with just a touch.  Wednesday Mar 5, 2013 was an upper room experience the Holy Ghost fell on everybody in the church. I myself received and a fresh anointing from the Holy Ghost. God let me know that when we all come on one mind and one accord  he can make a difference. I was so glad to have seen this experience with my own eyes God's word is true and will endure forever.